Category: Blog

  • An Engineer or not

    I wrote the following rant as a comment on Hackaday, but then decided to post the long version here and add a link over there :) Hackaday Link: LONG RANT AHEADsome of which may be outdatedI havent checked for current accuracy or correctness we similarly have something called a PEC – Pakistan Engineering Council…

  • DASH Cams Needed

    DASH Cams Needed

    TLDR = Dash Cams if promoted in our country would result in a drastic change in the habits of people on a macro level. DASH CAM = A camera installed inside a car in the front portion (usually behind the rear-view mirror) which makes video of what happens in front of the car. Not so…

  • [LINUXLOG 003]: Going Great – Mint+XP+Win7

    [LINUXLOG 003]: Going Great – Mint+XP+Win7

    With classes started, me teaching with DevC++ and Visual Studio had to install Windows – but did it so in Virtual Machine and apparently I had to install both XP and Win7 just to show the students the same environment as they are using. Also, finally started to use git from Linux terminal, it is even great…

  • [LINUXLOG 002]: The First Crash

    [LINUXLOG 002]: The First Crash

    I thought only windows would crash so easily, but today when I started my laptop, it never gave me the desktop… some errors about can’t load cinnamon this and that and virtualbox kernel service. but unlike windows which when crash don’t give any avenue for repair, I was able to login from the other terminals.…

  • [LINUXLOG 001]: Initial Hurdles of Linux

    [LINUXLOG 001]: Initial Hurdles of Linux

    So far so good, LMD (Linux Mint Debian) is turning out to be clean and simple, or maybe it is cause am not doing much work as I was on Windows8, but waiting for the regular classes to start, then will need the Windows software I have been using. Got a MATLAB related task to…

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