an all-round Engineering and Technology Geek, founder EjaadTech and Pop Up Learning – currently, IT Manager at FESF
Trillion FPS Camera
We have all seen the videos of Slow-mo guys and have awed over the ultra slow snaps of stuff getting burned/blown/shattered. Seriously, the shattering of a glowing light bulb and seeing it as it happens in ultra-slow-motion is very cool indeed, but the camera which MIT researchers recently came up with takes high frame per…
Things Organized Neatly [LINK]
So this is gonna be a LAZY post, since I couldn’t find anything that I wanted to write about (actually I just didn’t write anything cause of LAZiness), so here is a link of a SITE. Things Organized Neatly is a Tumblr blog with pictures of stuff organized well, NEATLY…. Go check it out……
Last month, Facebook was filled with UNETHICAL and almost PORN-like links which spread like WILD FIRE in the WESTERN SOCIAL CIRCLES of facebook on the WALLS and NEWS FEEDS…. The links appear to be of NUDE VIDEOS but are actually HIDDEN LIKE BUTTONS and APP LINKS; upon clicking the APP will get access to your…
V.V.V. Fast RC Jet [Video]
I don’t know if this is the fastest RC Jet or not, but I randomly somehow got to this video and had to share it here. The whole time I was trying to figure out how it would land safely and without killing anyone in the process, parachutes had come to my mind, but in…
Soundcard Scope [Software]
Having an oscilloscope can save lots of time while working on an electronics project, but affording one seems a bit far fetched for a student when the scopes usually cost more than a couple hundred dollars. However there are a few alternatives that a studetn can use without having to spend too much. Soundcard Scope…