an all-round Engineering and Technology Geek, founder EjaadTech and Pop Up Learning – currently, IT Manager at FESF

  • My First GIT Repo

    After accepting the challenge, I have started the work on “SSC – Simple Screen Capture”, I am using GIT for version Control and until now the process has been easy but the task at hand has been much difficult than I had anticipated. I have been doing programming work since a few years now, like…

  • Code Challenge – Un-charted GUI Land

    Code Challenge – Un-charted GUI Land

    I have accepted this challenge,  I have chosen Visual Studio 2010 as my IDE, C# as the language I will be using. A simple Screen-Capture Utility is the goal… to make things interesting I have decided to learn Version-Control as well along this challenge and have just finished installing GIT and figuring the basis, apparently GIT is…

  • Virtual Router – [Software]

    Virtual Router – [Software]

    Virtual Router is a software which allows any Windows 7 computer to turn into a Wireless Hotspot (Router) and share a connection, to which others can connect via WiFi. I can think of a few uses of such a software, apart from the obvious one of being able to have a wireless router ready in…

  • Vero-Boarding [Software]

    Vero-Boarding [Software]

    No matter how good your project is, how good a circuit designer you may be or how much thought you have put into your project, if the final circuits in your project are not sturdy enough, stable enough and strong enough your project is bound to fail. Electronic projects start from an idea which turns…

  • AVR Fuse-Bit Fixer [Gallery]

    AVR Fuse-Bit Fixer [Gallery]

    The Doctor to my AVRs, introducing the AVR Fuse-bit Fixer / Resetter. This is actually a High Voltage Parallel Programmer and High Voltage Serial Programmer built into one circuit with code to automatically reset any AVR connected to its terminals to factory settings. Details of AVR Fuse-Bit Fixer