an all-round Engineering and Technology Geek, founder EjaadTech and Pop Up Learning – currently, IT Manager at FESF
[LINUXLOG 001]: Initial Hurdles of Linux
So far so good, LMD (Linux Mint Debian) is turning out to be clean and simple, or maybe it is cause am not doing much work as I was on Windows8, but waiting for the regular classes to start, then will need the Windows software I have been using. Got a MATLAB related task to…
[LinuxLog 000]: Linux on Laptop as Primary OS
Finally decided to ditch my dying(dead) Win8 and install something else, wanted to install Windows7 but not having a 64-bit copy and wanting to try out Linux as a primary OS, decided to install Linux Mint Debian, not much of a selection as this was the ISO which I had on my system already. My…
Leaky Code…
I had heard lots and lots about leaky code so far, but never actually learned about it or read about it until tonight… so here it is below: a sample of LEAKY CODE (source: Wikipedia) #include <stdlib.h> void function_which_allocates(void) { /* allocate an array of 45 floats */ float * a = malloc(sizeof(float) * 45);…
EiD: Hugs, Eidi and GUNS
First and foremost; EID MUBARAK TO ALL… I have been awfully lazy this Eid and didn’t even send Eid Greetings SMS to anyone except a select few. If someone looked down on Karachi, PK via satellite on Eid days, he would see Large gatherings of Muslims Hugging each other like its the last time they’ll…
Simulating Arduino [Steps for Windows/PC]
This is a STEP-by-STEP post, no-nonsense approach to simulating an Arduino on your PC, for those who don’t have the actual Arduino hardware, but have the following Required Software: Arduino [Free] Download from Proteus [NOT-Free] (I am assuming you have a licensed version from school or something (google maybe) From here on, I will…