Category: Circuits ‘n’ Stuff

  • AVR EEPROM for Data Storage & More

    AVR EEPROM for Data Storage & More

    Most AVRs have a small EEPROM which can be used to save variables, configuration settings etc when there is no power and the data is available for read/write/modify the next time AVR powers up. This post simply shows the most basic method for saving a variable (char) in the AVR EEPROM, modifying it at every…

  • Analyse this..!            [Circuit Troll]

    Analyse this..! [Circuit Troll]

    With only a day left in exams and first one being of Circuit Analysis II this circuit troll has been brain-teasing me for the last few hours.

  • L297-L298 Stepper Driver V2 – Vero-Board [Gallery]

    Some might say I am getting obsessed with stepper motor drivers… Just finished making 3 Stepper Motor Drivers on Vero-Board using the all too common stepper driver duo the L297 and L298 ICs, stepper motor wires connect to these boards via an RJ45 connector  as the wires need to go through a good length, I…

  • Vero-Boarding [Software]

    Vero-Boarding [Software]

    No matter how good your project is, how good a circuit designer you may be or how much thought you have put into your project, if the final circuits in your project are not sturdy enough, stable enough and strong enough your project is bound to fail. Electronic projects start from an idea which turns…

  • AVR Fuse-Bit Fixer [Gallery]

    AVR Fuse-Bit Fixer [Gallery]

    The Doctor to my AVRs, introducing the AVR Fuse-bit Fixer / Resetter. This is actually a High Voltage Parallel Programmer and High Voltage Serial Programmer built into one circuit with code to automatically reset any AVR connected to its terminals to factory settings. Details of AVR Fuse-Bit Fixer

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