Category: AVR Stuff

  • AVR Fuse-Bit Fixer [Gallery]

    AVR Fuse-Bit Fixer [Gallery]

    The Doctor to my AVRs, introducing the AVR Fuse-bit Fixer / Resetter. This is actually a High Voltage Parallel Programmer and High Voltage Serial Programmer built into one circuit with code to automatically reset any AVR connected to its terminals to factory settings. Details of AVR Fuse-Bit Fixer

  • Tachtastic – AVR Tachometer

    Tachtastic – AVR Tachometer

    “Tachtastic”, a not so creative name for a tachometer. I was in my 2nd year of BE at the time and making a Tachometer seemed like a good idea and an easy project (according to a senior). For those who don’t know, a tachometer is a device which can count the number of revolutions/rotations of…

  • Selection Menu for Text LCD [AVR]

    Selection Menu for Text LCD [AVR]

    An option-selectable-menu on a text LCD using an AVR is not such a big deal, but having it sure saves a lot of time as such a menu can be quite helpful and useful in many projects. Here’s a video of the simulation: I first made the menu for my AVR Tacho-meter project (AVR Tachometer…

  • Killing an AVR (or ARDUINO)

    Killing an AVR (or ARDUINO)

    While working with AVRs, a few chips have been the unlucky ones who have died at my hands. I have damaged and completely killed(made dead) chips by giving over-volatge, sourcing too much current or simply by breaking away a few legs (including the VCC and GND legs). One-time, the damage was only done to one…

  • Tachtastic: AVR Tachometer [Gallery]

    Here is an image gallery of TACHTASTIC, the AVR Tachometer, all images are arranged in order of when they were taken (50+ images), the gallery has pics from the very start of the project when I was just testing out on breadboard, final breadboard test prototype and finally images of the completed PCB and sensors.…

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