
AVR – 01: What, Why, When, Who



AVR is a microcontroller (uC) from Atmel, it has 8-bit architecture which means that what you can store in it has to be somewhat compatible to 8 bits (1 byte) of memory. AVRs are a family of uC which are relatively easy to get the hang on and are quite commonly available having the advantage of not being expensive. GREAT FOR BEGINNERS, like me….

AVRs come in many sizes and forms and are divided into sub-families depending on the features they have. Oh! and let me be clear on one thing that AVR does not stand for anything in particular, its creators just didn’t think of anything except calling it AVR.


AVRs or for that matter any other uC can be used in any circuit where some kind of automation is required. any TTL circuit can be automated and enhanced by the use of uC. AVRs with their great range of features make it very easy to do a multitude of things without doing much.

Update: Extensive Coverage of Micro-Controllers and AVR here


It is upto you to decide if you want to use a uC in your circuit. Using a uC saves up space for big decision circuits, like those gate ICs etc, it makes the circuit versatile as a uC can be programmed again and again, so changes to the circuit require just re-programming and not too much component level changes.


Who can use the AVR depends on if  you are ready to take on new challanges and are ready to learn new things at a very fast pace, there are very simple pre-requisites for learning AVRs and they include basic Electronics and Digital logic knowledge, knowledge of electrical, number systems, logic systems is a plus but not required. I myself started learning AVRs with the first two things alone.

Oh! one more thing I forgot to mention which is required and that is…. MONEY, to buy stuff…

ABOUT THIS POST: I have started to revise my AVR and am learning it all again from the start, so I thought it would be better if I shared it here.
DISCLAIMER: I myself am very beginner at this and I can't guarantee anything, if you destroy something following my instructions, you are on your OWN....
Just Remember;   I CAN BE WRONG.......






One response to “AVR – 01: What, Why, When, Who”

  1. Nasir Jumani Avatar
    Nasir Jumani

    AVR 101: for the total n()()bs… :D

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