10th of February, 2011 – First day of a 4 day workshop at FAST-NU.
Windows Phone7 Tuts “Dummy to Guru”
Workshop by IEEE-NUCES Computer Society
(Facebook Event Page link for Windows Phone7 Tuts Workshop)
Useful Stuff is down after some intro and other notes….
I had gotten news of it from facebook, registered for it ASAP and now seems like all efforts well spent, the first day was a breeze, made my first Windows Phone 7 App and it was hell easy as I already had small experience with VB.Net Development and Microsoft has made all Visual Studio so much better over the years. Although this is something entirely new for me and I have no idea whatsoever about C#, but this is fun…
Many thanks to Saad Zaman for making this all happen and to Mr. Niyaz Noor Ali for conducting the workshop with such energy, I hope it gets better and better in the remaining days.
Now, for the actual stuff for which I wrote this post, I will keep adding links related to windows Phone7 Development at the end of this post, so that others attending the workshop and some other who wanted but didn’t attend the workshop can get in on the action.
BTW, There is a lot of reading and lot of work to do in order to do anything of worth.
(The links are NOT in any particular order)
Software and Other (Official) Tools:
- App-Hub
The Official Hub for developing Apps/Games for Windows Phone and XBOX.
According to Microsoft: “It offers free tools, sample code,community support, and educational resources to help you develop your apps and games for Windows Phone and Xbox 360.”
The main links on the site are:- Software: Tools of the Trade
http://create.msdn.com/en-us/home/getting_started - Article: Getting Started with WP-7
- Software: Tools of the Trade
- Software Microsoft Express Studio
http://www.microsoft.com/express/Phone/ - Software Silverlight for Windows Phone
Tutorials and Other Stuff for Beginners
- Video Series: Windows Phone-7 Development for Absolute Beginners
http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Windows-Phone-7-Development-for-Absolute-Beginners - Article: Getting Started with Windows Phone 7 Development
http://weblogs.asp.net/dwahlin/archive/2010/11/14/getting-started-with-windows-phone-7-development.aspx - Article: Introduction to Windows Phone 7 Development
http://mobiforge.com/developing/story/introduction-windows-phone-7-development - Article: Learning Windows Phone 7 Development
Other Stuff
- Another List: The best resources for Windows Phone 7 Development
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