[LinuxLog 000]: Linux on Laptop as Primary OS

Finally decided to ditch my dying(dead) Win8 and install something else, wanted to install Windows7 but not having a 64-bit copy and wanting to try out Linux as a primary OS, decided to install Linux Mint Debian, not much of a selection as this was the ISO which I had on my system already.

My system specs  are: Dell Inspiron 1564, core i3 with a 250GB HDD and 6GB RAM – yes it is an OLD system

I still intend to install Win7 and dual boot it, but telling myself still that I will keep Mint as the Primary/default OS for boot (normal usage), so partitioned the HDD accordingly with gparted using the LinuxMint Live USB before starting the installation.


the 200GB partition is for Windows and any other data, am hoping I will NOT need to resize anything – still weighting options to run windows virtually or dual boot it.

The only and only and the problem I didn’t think of was that my WiFi driver does not come pre-installed (proprietary stuff) so had to install it without having Internet access on the laptop, used cell phone to search for a solution, download files and copy commands…

Keeping a record of all am doing, will make a GitRepo for keeping the log.







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