Category: AVR Stuff

  • AVR Tutorial in a GIF [Not Really]

    AVR Tutorial in a GIF [Not Really]

    AVR Tutorial: From Coding to Making the Hex File to Burning the AVR and then finally Seeing the Code run on the AVR…. GIF Snatched from A great site to learn about the AVR MicroController and to discuss problems/ideas/projects with the community….

  • AVR – 02: Recognizing that 40 legged thing called AVR

    AVR – 02: Recognizing that 40 legged thing called AVR

    Ok, so here goes, this is what an AVR ATMega32 looks like: I have this one and I will be using this in most of the things I am gonna do and put up here. This particular packaging is called DIP(Dual In-line Package), this one has 40 pins and the numbering starts from the arrow…

  • AVR – 01.5: What and When, extensive coverage

    In my last post, I just breezed over what a Micro-Controller (herein after referred to as uC ) and an AVR really is, so here it goes, my take at explaining them…. (I will try to copy as much from Wikipedia as possible and then mix it with my own understandings) Micro-Controller (uC) A uC…

  • AVR – 01: What, Why, When, Who

    AVR – 01: What, Why, When, Who

    What AVR is a microcontroller (uC) from Atmel, it has 8-bit architecture which means that what you can store in it has to be somewhat compatible to 8 bits (1 byte) of memory. AVRs are a family of uC which are relatively easy to get the hang on and are quite commonly available having the…

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