L297-L298 Stepper Driver V2 – Vero-Board [Gallery]

Some might say I am getting obsessed with stepper motor drivers…

Just finished making 3 Stepper Motor Drivers on Vero-Board using the all too common stepper driver duo the L297 and L298 ICs, stepper motor wires connect to these boards via an RJ45 connector  as the wires need to go through a good length, I am utilizing the 8 wires in the CAT-5e cable as 2 in parallel for each motor connection to maximize current capacity and minimize the resistance etc which comes with long wires, but as I read and have checked experimentally the length which I am going is still much less to worry about these things.

This is all in preparation for a project which seems to be going on track and will possibly be one of  my first electronics projects to finish on time.






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